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(ООО "Тырская Горно-Геологическая Компания")
Reg. No(ОГРН): 1162724081123, TIN/CRC(ИНН/КПП): 2721226858/272101001
46, Turgeneva street, office III (13,17), 680000, Khabarovsk
Russian Federation.
Tyrskaya Mininhg-Exploration Company LLC (Tyrskaya MEC LLC) was registered in the Russian Federation in 2016. The main fields of activities are geological exploration, geophysical and geochemical works in the field of studying subsection and reproduction of mineral raw materials.
Tyrskaya Mining-Exploration Company LLC (Tyrskaya MEC LLC) participates in the exploration and development of the TYR area, near the village of Tyr, close to the mouth of the Amgun River, about 100 kilometers upstream from Nikolayevsk-on-Amur, and ROMANOVSKAYA area, close to the village of Kalma, located at the borders of the site on the right bank of the Amur River. Both sites located in the Ulchsky Municipal District of the Khabarovsky Krai.
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