Khabarovsk Krai and Primorsky Region
TYR AREA is located on the right bank of Amur river, 60 km from the Nikolaevsk-on-Amur local centre and port. The geology of the area consists of Lower Cretaceous clastic sediments intruded by Late Cretaceous –Paleogenic diorite. Includes the occurrence of the same name, discovered in 1960 as a result of soil sampling, and tested by trenches and a single 150m drill hole. Channel sampling indicated grade level of 0.n% Cu, 0.n g/t Au. Drill hole returned low copper grades, core not assayed for gold. Besides Tyr occurrence, alteration halos followed by Au-Cu soli anomalies had been outlined in the eastern part of the area.
VERKHNEE-ZOLOTOYE DEPOSIT is located in Primorsky region. 40km west from where the main deposit of Vostok tungsten mine is situated. The nearest port is 180 km away via all year road. Vostok is accessed via a sealed road to a rail head at Dalnerechensk which is approximately 210km West of the Project. Mineralization is hosted by altered Late Cretaceous clastic sediments, intruded by diorite stocks. The dominant element of value is copper but significantly anomalous grades of zinc, lead, tin and silver have potential to contribute to the Project value. The geologic setting is reasonably well understood from 22 historic and 60 N-Mining diamond core hole drills, supported by soil geochemistry, magnetic data and pole dipole IP surveys.
The most significant copper equivalent (CuEQ) results to date are:
from VZ 37-5 of: 152m@0.71CuEQ including 48.3m@1.06%CuEQ and 26m@1.48%CuEQ;
from VZ 36-3 of: 291m@0.62%CuEQ; including 19.2m@2.16%CuEQ;
from VZ-36-1 of: 207m@0.57%CuEQ; including 86.7m@0.87%CuEQ;
from VZ-25-1 of: 233m@0.55%CuEQ.
KOVRIGA AREA is located on the right bank of the Amgun river, in an-interfluve of Amgun-Bychy. Abundant Early Cretaceous minor intrusions and dykes cutting tuffaceous-clastic sediments are followed by copper, gold and molybdenum anomalies and showings (Gorbatoe, Kentavr, Kovrizhnensky). The most explored Kovrizhnensky molybdenum showing is ca. 1km2 quartz-molybdenite stockwork in Paleogenic granite-porphyry. The showing had been tested by trenching and two 200m drill holes in 1960.
TURCHIK AREA is located on the right bank of navigable Amgun river, approximately 100 km from the Udinsk settlement. The stockwork is spatially related to the late phase of porphyry granitoid, hosted by earlier granite. Mineralization is not tested at depth. Above- or upper ore level of mineralization poorly outcropping in the creek valley is supposed.
* All properties of N-Mining in Khabarovsk and Primorsky Regions are well accessible via ground roads, rail road or via river and sea ports.
At the present time N-MINING LIMITED is in the process of obtaining licenses to carry out exploration and development of gold and cooper deposits on the territory of the Republic of Cyprus.